Thursday, March 27, 2008

Architectural design software

Do you recall those fascinating home designs that you saw at your architect’s place? Weren’t they fancy? Well, if you admired his/her handiwork, maybe it is time you shifted your sense of amazement to some of the finest digital software and tools available in the market. Yes! I am talking about architectural design software here. And boy, have they made an impact on the market.

If you are familiar with the architectural business, you would also be familiar with the image of the architect on his drawing board, working on a blueprint. Otherwise, the intern crouched in a corner working on a scale model of the proposed architectural building. Believe me when I say it. Most people even nowadays have the very same image of architects and the architectural profession stuck in their heads. In fact, before I had the opportunity to see some of the architectural design software in action, I too felt this way. But the advent of architectural design software has changed the industry in unimaginable ways. For one thing, the capabilities of the architects have been enhanced like never before. Now not only are they able to conceptualize complex designs, but they are also able to translate those designs into workable models thanks to the state of the art architectural design software.

In the earlier days, some of the architects who worked on multi billion dollar projects used software applications like AutoCAD to draft their designs. But with the increasing capabilities in design software, coupled with the progress that multimedia has made, AutoCAD is no longer the best way in which architects can present their work. Clients too have evolved over the ages and all of them demand better and better architectural design software to cater to their needs. The best thing about all these kinds of architectural design software is that they are all scalable. In the earlier days, there were a number of issues with legacy systems. As one architect favored a particular kind of architectural design software when compared to another, issues regarding interoperability of the various software frequently cropped up. But with the latest, evolved versions, scalability is inbuilt and ensures that such interoperability issues don’t crop up.

The result is obvious. Some of the better architectural constructions of the present day are all thanks to the capabilities of the architectural design software. And considering the way in which the software is progressing, it is only likely to get better!